§ The CHAIRMAN of WAYS and MEANS (Mr. Whitley)I shall have to submit to the House several Amendments of Standing Orders, some of which are on the Paper to-day and some of which I shall set down for next week. Those which I submit to-day are entirely consequential Amendments arising out of legislation. They fall into two groups. The first group, dealing with Scottish legislation, arises from the fact that the Standing Orders have not been revised in that respect since the passing of the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act of 1899, and these Amendments are to put the Standing Orders into agreement with that Act. The other group deals with legislation of the present Session establishing the Ministry of Health and substituting its jurisdiction for that of the Local Government Board.
Standing Order 4 read, and amended, in line 22, by leaving out the words "and Sheriff Clerks."
Standing Order 9 read, and amended, in line 4, by leaving out the word. "Edinburgh."
Standing Order 14 read, and amended, at the end, by leaving out the words "and Sheriff Clerks, as the case may be."
Standing Order 22 read, and amended, in line 11, by leaving out the words "and Scotland."
Standing Order 24 read, and. amended, in line 17, by leaving out the words "or in the office of the Principal Sheriff Clerk of every County in Scotland and where any County in Scotland is divided into districts or division, then also in the office of the Principal Sheriff Clerk, in or for each district or division"; in line 34, by 442 leaving out the words "or Sheriff Clerks"; and, in line 45. by leaving out the words "or Sheriff Clerk."
Standing Order 26b read, and amended, in line 10, by leaving out the words "if the river is in Scotland, at the office of the Secretary for Scotland."
Standing Order 27 read, and amended, in line 4, by leaving out the words "or Sheriff Clerk."
Standing Order 29 read, and amended, in line 31, by leaving out paragraphs (e) and (f).
Standing Order 33 read, and amended, in line 9, by leaving out the words "Local Government Board," and inserting the words "Ministry of Health" [instead thereof]; in line 10, by leaving out the words "Scotland or," and by leaving out the words "at the Office of the Secretary for Scotland or"; in line 13, by leaving out the words "as the case may be"; and, in line 71, by leaving out the words "or Scotland."
Standing Order 36a read, and amended, in line 8, by leaving out the words "Local Government Board," and inserting the words "Ministry of Health" [instead thereof].
Standing Order 38 read, and amended, in line 31, by leaving out paragraph (3); and, in line 53 by leaving out the words "as regards Scotland, the Secretary for Scotland."
Standing Order 57 read, and amended, in line 25, by leaving out the words "or with the King's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer on behalf of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, if the work is intended to be done in Scotland."
Standing Order 61 read, and amended, in line 11, by leaving out the words "and in the Office of the Sheriff Clerk of every County in Scotland"; in line 15, by leaving out the words "and where any County in Scotland is divided into districts or divisions then also in the Office of the Principal Sheriff Clerk in and for each district or division in which such alteration is proposed to be made"; and, in line 30, by leaving out the word "Edinburgh."
Standing Order 62 read, as amended, in line 14, by leaving out the word "Edinburgh."
443 Standing Order 64 read, and amended, in line 34, by leaving out the word "Edinburgh."
Standing Order 66 read, and amended, in line 43, by leaving out the word "Edinburgh."
Standing Order 158 read, and amended, in paragraph (A), line 41, by leaving out the words "the King's Remembrancer of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland"; and, in line 45, by leaving out the word "Scotland."
Standing Order 158a read, and amended, in paragraph (B). line 26, by leaving out the words "or the Court of Exchequer in Scotland"; and, in paragraph (C), line 106, by leaving out the words "or Edinburgh."
Standing Order 172 read, and amended, in line 7, by leaving out the words "Local Government Board," and inserting the words "Ministry of Health" [instead thereof].
Standing Order 184 read, and amended, in line 3, by leaving out the words "Scotland, or."
Standing Order 194b read, and amended, in line 42, by leaving out the words "Local Government Board," and inserting the words "Ministry of Health" [instead thereof]; and, in line 52, by leaving out the words "Local Government Board," and inserting the words "Ministry of Health" [instead thereof].
Standing Order 194d read, and amended, in line 5, by leaving out the words "Local Government Board," and inserting the words "Ministry of Health" [instead thereof].—[The Chairman of Ways and Means.]
Granton Harbour Order Confirmation Bill,
Read the third time, and passed.