HC Deb 27 October 1919 vol 120 cc245-6
1. Captain BOWYER

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will state what was the amount of flour calculated in sacks of 280 lbs. purchased, but which had not left the country of origin on the day the Armistice was signed, in all countries other than the United Kingdom and full details respecting quantities from each country; how much flour calculated in sacks of 280 lbs. has been shipped since the day the Armistice was signed, and the balance of contracts remaining undelivered to date; and what is the quantity calculated in sacks of 280 lbs. of imported flour, that is flour other than has been manufactured in mills in the United Kingdom, now in the United Kingdom on this date?

The MINISTER of FOOD (Mr. Roberts)

I have been asked to reply. It is difficult within the limits of a Parliamentary answer to deal adequately with the lion, and gallant Member's question, in view of the number of figures involved. I am accordingly causing a full statement on the subject to be sent to him, and will also have this statement printed in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

The following is the statement referred to:

1. There were no stocks of flour in exporting countries other than the United Kingdom on the 11th November, 1918, earmarked for British account. Purchases were made by the Wheat Executive for joint account on behalf of the Allied Governments, and of these purchases there remained unshipped on that date the following quantities of flour expressed in sacks of 280 lbs.:

Sacks of 280 lbs.
Canada 800,000
Australia 700,000
U.S.A. 975,000
China and Japan 7,500

2. Shipments of flour to the United Kingdom from 11th November, 1918, to 22nd October, 1919, out of the above stocks, a contract for, forward delivery entered into between the Wheat Executive and the United States Food Administration just before the Armistice, and subsequent purchases were as follows:

Sacks of 280 lbs.
Canada 2,300,000
U.S.A 3,580,000
Australia 630,000
China and Japan 80,000

3. Purchases on joint account ceased on 31st August, 1919, and on the 22nd October, 1919, the unshipped stocks of flour bought for account of the British Government were.

Canada 500,000
U.S.A. 5,500

4. The quantity of imported flour held in store in the United Kingdom for account of the British Government on 16th October, 1919, the latest date available, was 1,350,000 sacks of 280 lbs.

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