§ 75. Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHYasked what was the cost of the Government's publicity campaign during the recent railway strike and to what Votes would this money be charged?
§ 80. Mr. BOTTOMLEYasked the Prime Minister whether lie can state the approximate cost, directly and indirectly, to the State of the recent railway strike?
126. Mr. THOMASasked the Minister of Transport whether he can give the House an approximate estimate of the abnormal costs incurred by the railway administration during the railway strike, distinguishing between operating expenses and expenses for publicity- and propaganda; and if he will state at what rate, in what form, and for what amount Treasury sanction was obtained for expenditure incurred under the latter head, which can presumably not have been in mind when the Estimates for the Department were sanctioned in March and April last?
178. Mr. THOMASasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the total amount of expenditure incurred from public funds in connection with the recent railway strike, distinguishing between publicity and propaganda, including advertisements of the Government case, expenditure in maintaining the service of transport and communication, together with such other headings as may have been used in classification, stating on what dates and for what sums Treasury sanction was given for the expenditure?
Mr. CHAMBERLAINThe total cost to the Exchequer of the railway strike is believed to be, roughly, about £10,000,000, including delay in demobilization estimated at £5,000,000. 276 The figures are, however, not yet complete. The cost to the State in the wider sense is incalculable. The cost of publicity and propaganda was £32,657. The-question whether all direct Exchequer charges by reason of the railway strike shall be met from a separate Vote to be presented to Parliament is under consideration.