HC Deb 27 November 1919 vol 121 cc1873-4
71. Captain LOSEBY

asked the Prime Minister if his attention has been called to the fact that many women who served in various capacities in forward areas during the War, and were incapacitated owing to such service, do not come within the scope of any pensions scheme; and will he consider the advisability of instituting an Inquiry into the whole system under which these pensions are administered, with a view to the removal of grievances and bringing under one Department the whole administration?


I have been asked to take this question, but I have nothing to add to my reply to my hon. and gallant Friend on the 20th instant.

Captain LOSEBY

Could the right hon. Gentleman reply to that part of the question in which I ask him if his attention has been, called to the fact that many of these unfortunate and gallant women do not come within the scope of any pension, and also the other part of my question in which I ask him if he will consider the advisability of bringing the whole administration under one Department?


I told my hon. and gallant Friend on the 20th instant that these cases either came under the Workmen's Compensation Act or the Injuries of War Act, and that was in communication with the First Lord of the Admiralty and with the Secretary of State for War with regard to the matter. I really cannot add anything to that statement.

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