HC Deb 27 November 1919 vol 121 cc1870-1
18. Colonel ASHLEY

asked the Pensions Minister whether he is aware that officers in receipt of disability retired pay, after winning their commission from the ranks, are subject to a deduction from this pay of the amount of service pension earned for service in the ranks; and whether he is prepared to introduce an Amendment to the Warrant which will make it possible for such an officer to receive his retired pay in full independent of any pension which he may have earned by reason of long service in the ranks before the War and under an entirely different and distinct engagement?


As I explained in reply to a question put to me on the 11th August, an officer holding a temporary commission receives disability retired pay made up of his service pension as a soldier, with an addition, according to the degree of disablement, varying from £100 for total disability. In cases where the rate arrived at is less than the disability rate in the prescribed scale he receives retired pay at that rate. The ques- tion has, however, been before the Select Committee, who may possibly deal with it in their next Report.

Colonel ASHLEY

Is not the Government doing the same thing here again, namely, taking into consideration the rate of service pension in assessing disability?


I think not. We are following the principle which has been applied right through pensions for both officers and men. So far as it affects officers, it is before the Select Committee, and I shall, of course, consider any recommendation they may make on the subject.