HC Deb 26 November 1919 vol 121 c1762
3. Sir J. D. REES

asked the Secretary of State for India whether he can give the House any information regarding the re ported rising among the Mahsuds?


Ever since our evacuation during the Afghan operations of certain posts in Waziristan, formerly held by our frontier [...], the Waziri and Hahsud tribes have maintained a consistently hostile attitude and committed numerous raids upon our troops, and made incursions into British territory.

To put an end to this the Indian Government, after assembling a sumcieut military force, summoned representatives of the tribes to hear terms for acceptance. These included claims for reparation and compensation in respect of numerous outrages. The Mahsuds rejected the terms, and punitive operations were consequently undertaken against them. These operations still continue. On the 17th and 18th November the Wazirls, with the exception of three sections in the Tochi Valley, accepted the terms. The recalcitrant sections have since submitted.