HC Deb 25 November 1919 vol 121 cc1611-2
34. Mr. CAPE

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether the constitution of the executive committee of the United Services Fund has now been decided, and whether representatives of the three ex-Service men's organisations are to be included?


The constitution of the Committee of this organisation is at present the subject of consideration with a view to the restriction of its responsibilities to care for the interests of the ex-Service officers and other ranks and their dependants, the Army Council and Air Council administering such portions of the fund as may be earmarked for the benefit of the serving soldiers and airmen respectively. This involves withdrawal from the Committee of the members still serving in the Army and Air Force.

General Lord Byng has worked throughout in close touch with the bodies named by the hon. and gallant Member, which have been from the first represented on the Committee, and will continue to be after the changes now under consideration. The Committee is to be incorporated by Royal Charter which is being drafted and will shortly be made public.

The Navy has not been represented, as it does not at present belong to the Fund.


Does that mean that that portion of the Fund which is devoted to ex-Service men shall not be reviewed in any form on any Estimate of the War Office?


It is not proposed to put it under the War Office. It is not finally settled how it is to go, but a very strong desire, as the hon. Member is no doubt aware, has been expressed by the ex-soldiers to be free from War Office control altogether; and the idea is at present to give this fund over to a body administered under Royal Charter, and to have it answered for in this House, either by someone representing the Prime Minister, or, if he should so decide, some other neutral Department of the State.


So we may take it that there will be some method by which this House can, from time to time, either ask questions or control the administration of the Fund?


The maintenance of effective Parliamentary responsibility is indispensable.