HC Deb 25 November 1919 vol 121 cc1640-1

SIR SAMUEL ROBERTS reported from the Committee of Selection; That they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee B: Mr. Attorney-General, Mr. Baird, Major Barnes, Mr. Bridgeman, Mr. Donnelly, Major Ent-wistle, Sir Eric Geddes, Mr. William Graham, Viscount Elveden, Sir Evan Jones, Mr. MacVeagh, Mr. Manville, Mr. Marriott, Colonel Pinkham, Mr. Rafian, Mr. Seddon, Mr. Alfred Short, Mr. Secretary Shortt, Mr. Stevens, Mr. John Taylor, Mr. Vickcrs, Mr. Waterson, Colonel Sir Rhys Williams, and Sir Kingsley Wood.

Sir SAMUEL ROBERTS further reported from the Committee; That they had added the following Members to Standing Committee B (for the consideration of the Nurses Registration (No. 2) Bill): Dr. Addison, Captain Barnett, Sir Watson Cheyne, Captain Elliott, Colonel Greig, Mr. Grundy, Mr. Hayday, Sir Philip Magnus, Sir Philip Pilditch, Coloncl Raw, Mr. Robert Richardson, Mr. Trevelyan Thormson, Sir William Whitla, and Colonel Penry Williams.

Sir SAMUEL ROBERTS further reported from the Committee; That they had added to Standing Committee B the following Fifteen Members (in respect of the Irish Land (Provision for Sailors and Soldiers) Bill: Lieutenant - Colonel Allen, Mr. Attorney-General for Ireland, Mr. Finney, Captain Loseby, Mr. Lynn, Mr. MacVeagh, Mr. Macpherson, Mr. Moles, Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Murray, Mr. Newbould, Major O'Neill, Mr. Royce, Mr. Walter Smith, Mr. Sturrock, and Lieutenant-Commander Williams.