HC Deb 25 November 1919 vol 121 c1614
41. Mr. N. MACLEAN

asked the Homo Secretary whether he can state the enemy aliens with whom Miss Lillian Scott Troy was alleged to be in close association; whether they were at liberty during the period of war or in internment camps; and whether he can state the reason she was permitted to remain at liberty in this country until five months after the Armistice, when she was deported?


I regret that I am not prepared to add anything to the answers which I have already given the hon. Member in this case.


Cannot the right hon. Gentleman tell this House why it is that an American citizen who has been described as an undesirable alien has been allowed to remain in the country during the whole period of the War and for five months after the War, and then you make out that she is so undesirable and dangerous that you must deport her?


I have already told the House, and the hon. Member, that it was her association with dangerous aliens that necessitated her deportation.


I should like to ask the right hon. Gentleman, was not her association with these aliens during the whole period of the War and the five months after the War during which she was allowed to remain in this country only permitted by permits from the Home Office?

