HC Deb 25 November 1919 vol 121 cc1749-51

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires— The expression "private generating station" means a generating station for the generation of electricity for use solely or mainly on the owner's or joint owners' premises or for the purposes of his or their undertaking or, where the owner is a subsidiary company, for the purposes of the undertaking of the principal company, in any case where the undertaking of the owner or the principal company is not an undertaking belonging to authorised undertakers or to a railway, tramway, canal, inland navigation, harbour or other undertaking providing facilities for or incidental to the transport of goods or passengers: The expression "main transmission lines" means all extra high-pressure cables and overhead lines (not being an essential part of art authorised undertaker's distribution system) transmitting electricity from a generating station to any other generating station, or to a sub-station, together with any step-up and step-down transformers and switchgear necessary to, and used for, the control of such cables or overhead lines, and the buildings or such part thereof as may be required to accommodate such transformers and switch-gear:


I beg to move, in definition of "private generating station," after the word "or" ["their undertaking or"], to insert the words "any subsidiary company or."

This Amendment, and the following one go together. The sole object of the Amendment is to provide for the contingency of subsidiary companies that are being formed by the undertaker. I do not think it can in any way widen the real effect and intention of the Clause to provide for a contingency which is likely to arise. It will give a comprehensive effect that, I am sure, was intended by the Clause.


I am sorry, but I am afraid that I cannot really understand what difference this and the subsequent Amendment will make or clearly what will be their effect. I am bound to admit that I cannot see what are the merits of this Amendment, and I certainly, without understanding, cannot accept it. If there is any hidden meaning I shall be very glad to confer with my hon. Friend and see whether it is advisable to try to meet him in another place.

9.0 P.M.


I quite admit that perhaps my hon. Friend has not had time carefully to consider these words, and that, therefore, they may 9.0 P.M. perhaps be confusing. But the object is simply to bring in the case where you have special or subsidiary companies not covered. I am quite prepared to withdraw, however, if my hon. Friend will give the matter consideration, and if he sees it wise to make the necessary Amendment in another place.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Amendments made: In definition of "private generating station," after the word "undertaking" ["undertaking of the principal company"], insert the words "or undertakings."—[Mr. Shortt.]

In definition of "main transmission lines," after the word "system" ["not being an essential part of an authorised undertaker's distribution system"], insert the words "or the distribution system of a railway company."—[Mr. Shortt.]