HC Deb 25 November 1919 vol 121 cc1723-4

  1. (1) During the period between the passing of this Act and the establishment of a district electricity board or joint electricity authority for any district, any two or more of the authorised undertakers within the locality may, with the approval of the Electricity Commissioners, and if so required by the Electricity Commissioners shall, enter into and carry into effect arrangements for mutual assistance of the one by the other, with regard to all or any of the following purposes:
  2. (2) Where such an arrangement his been made any authorised undertakers who are parties to the arrangement may be authorised by special Order to exercise such powers (including the power to break up roads, railways, and tramways) as may be necessary for the purpose of carrying the arrangement into effect.

Captain BOWYER

May I move the Amendment standing in the name of Mr. MARNOTT: In Sub-section (1), after the word "and" ["and if so required"], to insert the words "for the purpose (a) hereinafter mentioned"?


I think we must make a little more rapid progress with the Bill.

Amendment made: In Sub-section (2), leave out the word "special" ["authorised by special Order."]—[Mr. Shortt.]