HC Deb 24 November 1919 vol 121 c1448
115. Sir S. HOARE

asked the Minister of Labour what reforms are being carried out in the staffing and housing of the Employment Exchanges as a result of the Report of the Committee on Unemployment Donation?


In the matter of staff the Committee laid particular stress upon the fact that nine-tenths of the staff at the Employment Exchanges consist of temporary assistants who, having no prospect of permanent engagements, are continually leaving for other work. An increased permanent establishment (both male and female) has been sanctioned by the Treasury, and steps are being taken to fill the new permanent posts from the lists of successful candidates at the examinations held, or shortly to be held, by the Civil Service Commissioners.

As regards premises, the hon. Member will realise that to carry out any extensive programme at the present time is both difficult and costly; but, in consultation with the Treasury and the Office of Works, the Department are pressing forward with such improvements as are possible under existing conditions.