HC Deb 20 November 1919 vol 121 cc1118-9
33. Mr. A. T. DAVIES

asked the Prime Minister whether the Peace Treaty with Austria provides, in a manner which will be binding on Austrian Nationals under Austrian law, that liabilities in Austrian currency to British subjects are to be discharged in sterling at the pre-war rate of exchange; in view of the provision contained in the Treaty charging Austrian assets in this country with payment of Austrian liabilities to creditors in this country, what steps will be taken to give practical effect to such charge by distributing such assets amongst those creditors, and when will such steps be taken; and when, will the full text of the Peace Treaty with Austria be published and copies available for sale to the public in this country?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of TRADE (Sir A. Geddes)

I have been asked to reply. The Peace Treaty with Austria provides that liabilities in Austrian currency shall be discharged in sterling at the pre-war rate of exchange. Legislation in Austria may be necessary to make the provision binding on Austrian individuals. Steps cannot be taken to distribute Austrian assets among British creditors until it is seen how far Austrian liabilities are paid. The last part of the question will be answered by the Prime Minister in connection with the question next on the Paper.

34. Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY

asked when the Austrian Peace Treaty will be presented to the House?


Unless unforeseen delay occurs, copies of the Treaty of Peace with Austria will be in the hands of Members on the 25th November.

Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY

Will it be introduced in the form of a Bill, as was done in the case of the German Treaty, and open to discussion by this honourable House?


I am not sure that that will be necessary. I am not prepared to give an answer now. We will have some discussion, but I am not sure that a Bill will be necessary.

Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY

Is not this Treaty as vital as the German Treaty?