HC Deb 19 November 1919 vol 121 c904
27. Mr. SITCH

asked the Minister of Labour whether his attention has been drawn to the case of Mr. A. Cooke, who was employed as a temporary clerk in the Clapham Junction Employment Exchange; whether he is aware that Mr. Cooke tendered a week's notice in July last and was immediately discharged; that although Mr. Cooke was in receipt of 5s. per week over and above the rate for temporary clerks on account of special duties performed by him, this was not taken into account in paying him arrears due as the result of an increase granted to temporary clerks as from the 1st April last, but was only allowed 1s. per week necessary to bring his salary up to the minimum of 60s. awarded to temporary clerks as from April; and whether he will have inquiries made into this case with a view to the payment to Mr. Cooke of a week's salary in lieu of notice, and of a further payment of 5s. per week due to him for the period 1st April to 31st July?


I have had inquiries made into this case. Mr. Cooke was appointed as a temporary clerk at the Clapham Junction Employment Exchange in December, 1918. He was assigned to special duties pending the return of a permanent officer from the Forces, and was paid at the rate applicable to those special duties. Mr. Cooke was relieved of his special duties on the permanent officer's return early in April. Thereafter he performed the ordinary duties assigned to temporary clerks at 60s. a week, and I cannot admit his claim to a continuance of the special rate up to the end of his service in this Department. Mr. Cooke was not discharged without notice. He tendered his resignation on the 16th July, giving one week's notice as from the 18th July. He was, in fact, paid up to the 31st July inclusive, having been allowed in the interval to take eleven days' leave on full pay