HC Deb 18 November 1919 vol 121 cc813-4

informed the House that he had received the following letter relating to the imprisonment of Members:

"Metropolitan Police Courts,

Inn's Quay, Dublin,

13th November, 1919.


I have the honour to inform you that John O'Mahony, John Hayes, and Frank Lawless, esquires, Members of Parliament, having been arrested in the City of Dublin on the 11th November instant, were brought before ma yesterday, the 12th instant, charged with an offence against Section 7 of the Criminal Law and Procedure (Ireland) Act, 1887, in. that they did take part in the proceedings of an association, to wit, the Dail Eireann, which had been declared by His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to be a dangerous association within the meaning of the said Act, and, on being convicted of such offence, were sentenced by me to be imprisoned, each for a period of two calendar months without hard labour. I further ordered each of the defendants to give bail to be of the peace and good behaviour for twelve months, himself in £20 with one surety in £20, or, in default, to be imprisoned for a further period of one calendar month.

In pursuance of such sentences, each of the above-named defendants was, on the aforesaid l!2th instant, committed to Mountjoy Prison, Dublin.

I have the honour to be, Sir,

Your obedient servant,


Chief Magistrate,

Police District of Dublin Metropolis.

The Right Hon. The Speaker, M.P.,

House of Commons."