HC Deb 18 November 1919 vol 121 cc347-8
40. Lieut.-Colonel MALONE

asked whether indications of British policy are conveyed to the Governments of Finland, Esthonia, Latvia, and Lithuania through the accredited diplomatic representatives or through the Baltic Military Mission; whether instructions are sent direct from the War Office and Foreign Office to these persons; and, if so, what steps are taken to ensure co-ordination?


The views of His Majesty's Government in regard to the Baltic States are conveyed to the Provisional Governments of Esthonia, Latvia, and Lithuania through the head of the British Mission to the Baltic States. In the case of the Government of Finland, His Majesty's representative at Helsingfors is the channel of communication.

As regards the second part of the question, such instructions are sent direct from the Foreign Office to the Commissioner. The War Office communicate direct with the head of the Military Mission on matters affecting local military questions.

In answer to the third part of the question, I may state that the head of the Diplomatic Mission and the head of the Military Mission work in the closest co-operation.

Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY

Does the question of a separate peace come under the heading of local military questions?


I should say obviously not.

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