HC Deb 18 November 1919 vol 121 c356
27. Mr. DONALD

asked the Minister of Labour the amount of money paid by the Government to apprentices in England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales under the heading of Military Service (Civil Liabilities) Department for tools, etc.?


No statistics are available in the Civil Liabilities Department of grants made for tools to apprentices, as distinct from other ex-Service men.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there is great dissatisfaction with the disbursement of money in some of these cases? I could tell the right hon. Gentleman of one extremely hard case where the apprentice volunteered and went through the War for four and a-half years, and has neither father nor mother. Will the right hon. Gentleman give this case favourable consideration?


I shall be very glad to look into the case to which my hon. Friend refers. I have personally been going into the whole question of the administration of civil liabilities in connection with tools, and I hope it will be more satisfactory in the future.