HC Deb 17 November 1919 vol 121 cc598-9
29. Mr. ATKEY

asked the Minister of Transport whether he has received any reply from the Midland Railway Company with regard to the reopening of the closed exit to Station Street opposite Trent Street, it not, whether he has the power to order it to be reopened; and, if so, will he do so at once in order to allay the admitted feelings of irritation and indignation amongst the thousands of the travelling public who suffer daily inconvenience and loss of time?


Yes, Sir; I have received a reply from the Midland Railway Company and a special report of an investigation conducted by the Ministry. I am advised that the facilities as at present provided for passengers at the main entrance from Carrington Street to the Midland Railway Station at Nottingham are sufficient to meet reasonable requirements, and that an enlargement of the facilities by the reopening of the side entrance in Station Street cannot, therefore be regarded as a necessity, and in view of the need for strict economy it is not considered desirable that the annual expenditure involved should be incurred.


Could my hon. Friend say why this exit could not be opened experimentally for two or three months?


An exhaustive inquiry was made, and, as a result, it was not considered necessary.