HC Deb 11 November 1919 vol 121 cc227-8
38. Mr. REID

asked the Home Secretary what is the estimated cost of examining the claims for exemption from deportation of enemy aliens whose cases have not been considered by any advisory committee appointed after 1st January. 1918; whether it will be necessary to re- tain or engage any temporary staff for that purpose; and, if so, the number of such staff and during what period its services will be required?


I understand that this question relates to the proceedings contemplated by Clause 8 of the Aliens Restriction Bill. They will involve the engagement of a special staff for the new advisory committee of at least twenty-five persons for a period which cannot be less than six months. For that period, and assuming that all the members of the committee act without remuneration, the cost of the proceediings is estimated at £15,000 or upwards. This figure does not cover accommodation for the committee and its staff or the expenses of police and other authorities outside the Home Office, which I am unable to estimate.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that if this Committee does its work thoroughly satisfactorily it will take at least two years to complete it?


I hope my estimate is not so hopelessly wrong as that suggests.