HC Deb 04 November 1919 vol 120 cc1297-8
24. Brigadier-General WIGAN

asked the Secretary for War what the cost to the public up to date in the pay and allowances of the fourteen divisional commanders and their staffs appointed to command Territorial divisions which have not yet materialised amounts to; and if it is intended to continue to pay them whilst they have no divisions to command?


The cost of the fourteen divisional generals up to the 31st October, 1919, is £11,000. No other staff has been appointed up to the present. The generals are engaged on duties in connection with the reconstruction of the Territorial force and the War Office is acting in close consultation with them on all questions connected therewith.

Major NALL

Does the right hon. Gentleman think it is necessary to employ all these officers in the manner in which they have been employed since last April?


Are we to understand that these fourteen generals are carrying on, with staff, and drawing their pay?


These officers were appointed at a time when it was thought the Territorial force would be brought into existence more rapidly. They are doing most important work in regard to shaping the policy of creating the Territorial force.


Are you not a long time in getting this important information together?


There has been delay in bringing the Territorial force into existence, and the fact that it has been delayed has led to substantial saving of public money. I have not been able to get a final decision in regard to the finance, and that makes it difficult to issue the Regulations, but I hope they may shortly be issued.

Major NALL

Can the right hon. Gentleman put these general officers on half-pay?


We have reached a point in the constitution of the force when these officers can be very usefully employed, and I do not recommend that.

Major E. WOOD

Can the right hon. Gentleman say for what period of time he proposes to employ these officers in this way, and what further delay there will be?


We hope to begin the definite reconstitution of the Territorial force at the end of the month.


Will their unemployment donation be stopped at the same time as that of the ordinary workman?