HC Deb 28 May 1919 vol 116 cc1195-6
26. Sir B. FALLE

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty if he will push forward the plan by which all old pensioners, Royal Navy, shall be pensioned on new basic rate?


The decision of the Government is shown on page 8, Decision 51, of Command Paper 149. Under that decision, as from 1st April, 1919, all future pensioners will receive pensions on the new basic rate. Further, all pensioners now serving, and all who have served during the War, including those serving in a civilian capacity under the Government, who, although under fifty-five years of age, and therefore liable to serve during hostilities, were retained in their civilian employment, will have their pensions improved to the new basic rate as from 1st April, 1919. The pensions of all other pensioners remain as they are, except this, that whereas in the past we have not been able to award to some of these pensioners the Greenwich Ago Pension of 5d. a day at the age of fifty-five, and the Advanced Age Pension of 9d. a day at the age of sixty-five, all will, under Decision 49, page 8, of the same document, get these amounts at the ages mentioned, subject, as at present, to good character. It is not within the competence of the Board to extend the decision in the direction indicated by my hon. Friend. The general principle involved is, of course, of wider application than the Board's jurisdiction.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this is a very important matter, causing widespread feeling, and can he tell me what Department I can. apply to for a definite answer?


I am very well aware of the fact that there is a good deal of feeling about it. I fully appreciate the feeling and loyalty of the sailors to their old shipmates, but the principle involved is of wider application, and we cannot legislate in a matter which would cover other Departments.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Is the matter finally closed with regard to these old seamen and is the Admiralty endeavouring to make it retrospective?


The decision is given on the Command Paper 149 to which I have referred, but beyond that I cannot say anything.