§ Sir SAMUEL ROBERTS further reported from the Committee; That they had added to Standing Committee D the following Fifteen Members (in respect of the Housing of the Working Classes (Ireland) Bill): Mr. Attorney-General for Ireland, Mr. Hugh Barrie, Sir Henry Cowan, Mr. Devlin, Mr. Donnelly, Major Oscar Guest, Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Guinness, Mr. Macpherson, Mr. MacVeagh, Lieutenant-Colonel Malone, Sir George Croydon Marks, Dr. Donald Murray, Major Newman, Sir William Whitla, and Sir Robert Woods.
§ Sir SAMUEL ROBERTS further reported from the Committee; That they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee D at the conclusion of the Land Settlement (Facilities) Bill: Mr. Attorney-General, Mr. Hodge, Sir Donald Maclean, Major Watts Morgan, Mr. Morrison. Mr. Munro, Sir Robert 1039 Newman, Lieutenant-Colonel Parry, Mr. Pretyman, Mr. Raffan, Mr. Alexander Sham, Mr. Alfred Short, Mr. Walter Smith, Mr. Solicitor-General, Mr. Spencer, Lieutenant-Colonel Weigall, Major Wheler, Mr. John Williams, Colonel Murrough Wilson, Sir Richard Winfrey, Major Earl Winterton, and Sir Frederick Young; and had added the following Members to the Committee for the consideration of the Housing of the Working Classes (Ireland) Bill: Lieutenant-Colonel Allen, Mr. Thomas Brown, Mr. William Coote, Captain Dixon, Mr. Harbison, Mr. Lynn, Mr. M'Guffin, Mr. Moles, Mr. John Murray, Mr. Neal, Mr. O'Grady, Mr. Rae, Mr. Raffan, Captain Redmond, Mr. Reid, Mr. Thomas Shaw, Colonel Stephenson, Mr. Swan, and Mr. Daniel Wilson.
§ Reports to lie upon the Table.