§ 8. Captain LOSEBYasked the Secretary of State for War if he will issue a statement at an early date defining as far as possible conditions of service in regard to pay, allowances, dress, and other particulars of officers of the post-bellum Army?
§ Mr. FORSTERAll these matters are being considered by Committees appointed for the purpose, and an announcement cannot be made until their Reports have been made and considered.
§ Captain LOSEBYCan the right hon. Gentleman give me any kind of idea when that will be, in view of the fact that this is really a matter of great urgency to officers?
§ Mr. FORSTERI am afraid I cannot give any kind of idea as to when the Report will be received.
§ Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHYWill the right hon. Gentleman consider the setting up of a Committee on the lines of the Jerram Report, applying to Army conditions on the same terms'?
§ Mr. SPEAKERThe hon. and gallant Member must give notice of that question.