HC Deb 26 May 1919 vol 116 c835
81 . Mr. DAVISON

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware of the industrial conditions now existing in a large number of foundries in the United Kingdom which prejudicially affect the health of the people employed therein; and whether he will at an early date appoint a Committee of Inquiry representative of all sections of the industry to consider the matter and to recommend the application of remedial measures by legislative enactment?


This question should be addressed to the Home Office, but I will answer. I am not aware to what particular conditions or classes of foundries the hon. Member refers, but if he will furnish me with the information in his possession I shall be glad to make any necessary inquiry. Regulations were made in 1908 to deal with injurious fumes which arise during the process of casting in certain brass foundries, and these Regulations, I understand, have had excellent results. No general representations as to unhealthy conditions in other classes of foundries have been received at the Home Office.


Will the right hon. Gentleman be prepared to receive a deputation from the industry in order that the facts may be submitted to him?


If my hon. Friend will ask that question of the Home Secretary, he will, no doubt, get an appropriate answer.