HC Deb 19 May 1919 vol 116 cc41-2

asked the Secretary of State for War if he can state how parcels intended for the British Expeditionary Force in Russia should be addressed; whether they will be conveyed free of charge, and whether there are any restrictions either on the size of the parcel or its contents?


The address of parcels for troops in the North Russian Expeditionary Force should include the following particulars only, in the order shown:—

  1. (1) Regimental number (if any).
  2. (2) Rank.
  3. (3) Name.
  4. (4) Battalion, Battery, Company (or other unit).
  5. (5) North Russian Expeditionary Force.
The delivery of letters and parcels is greatly facilitated if the name of the port upon which the addressee is based is added, namely, Murmansk, or Archangel.

Parcels, which may not exceed 11 lb. in weight, can be forwarded by post, and should be prepaid at the following rates:—

  • Not exceeding 3lb., Is.;
  • exceeding 3lb. but not exceeding 71b., Is.9d.;
  • exceeding 71b., but not exceeding 11lb., 2s. 6d.
The size of a parcel is limited to 3½ feet in length, breadth, or depth, or to 6 feet in length and girth combined. No matches may be included, nor any perishable article. Bottles and the like are prohibited and not accepted for transmission.


Will my hon. Friend consider whether these parcels cannot be carried free of charge?