HC Deb 14 May 1919 vol 115 cc1574-6

asked the Secretary of State for War whether, with regard to Sapper A. W. Hendy, No. W.R. 554331, Royal Engineers, Post Directorate, Marghil or Tancomat, Mesopotamia, having lost a father and sister, and having a widowed mother and two children to support, he expressed the hope that it would be possible to arrange for Sapper Hendy's transfer to a home establishment and to then consider his discharge on compassionate grounds; is he aware that neither Sapper Hendy or his mother have yet heard anything of his transfer; and what steps has he actually taken?

Captain GUEST

A cable was sent to Baghdad on the 8th April asking for Sapper Hendy to be transferred to a home establishment at once and for the date of his departure to be telegraphed. No reply has yet been received and a reminder has been sent.

33. Colonel ASHLEY

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is prepared to consider the demobilisation, as a special case, of Gunner F. Woodgate, No. 21640, 115th Heavy Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery, France, who was recalled to the Colours on 7th August, 1914, went to France 14th August, 1914, became time-expired in October, 1917, has pre-war employment to return to, and has been applied for by his employer, but whose release has been refused by his commanding officer on the ground that his battery is below cadre strength?

Captain GUEST

Gunner Woodgate is not registered by the War Office either as pivotal or for special release. If his term of Colour service has been completed he is eligible for demobilisation, and will be released as soon as circumstances permit.

Colonel ASHLEY

Seeing that this man rejoined the Colours in August, 1914, is he not now entitled to demobilisation?

Captain GUEST

I must presume without further knowledge that the man is filling some post of importance in connection with demobilisation.

Colonel ASHLEY

Is a man who joined on 7th August, 1914, to be retained while hundreds of thousands who joined at a later date are being released?

Captain GUEST

I am afraid that the longer their service the more indispensable many of them become.

37. Mr. GWYNNE

asked the Secretary for War whether he is aware that Gunner H. Goldsmith, No. 906170, C Battery, 337th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, 18th Indian Division, Mesopotamia, has been refused release on compassionate grounds, although his parents, who are getting on in years, have lost two sons in the War, and this man, who was helping to contribute towards their support, is their only surviving son; and whether he can see his way to reconsider the decision in this case?

Captain GUEST

Careful consideration has been given to this case, but I regret that the compassionate grounds put forward by my hon. Friend do not fall within any of the categories prescribed in the instructions recently issued governing releases on compassionate grounds. If Gunner Goldsmith is eligible for release under current instructions he will be released as soon as the exigencies of the Service permit.