HC Deb 13 May 1919 vol 115 cc1446-7

asked the President of the Board of Trade under what powers the importation of box-boards is being prohibited by the Department of Import Restrictions, in view of the fact that all the timber control orders have now been revoked; whether this action is to be reconciled with recent Gov- ernment statements that industry is to be freed from official control; whether he is aware that box-boards, although semi-manufactured, really constitute an important raw material in many large home and export industries; and whether he is aware that, owing to the impossibility of procuring box-boards of the necessary quality and in adequate quantities at reasonable prices from sawmills in this country, a serious obstacle is being placed in the way of numerous industries?


The import of box-boards is prohibited under the heading of wood manufactures by the Prohibition, of Import (Consolidation and Amendment) Proclamation, 1917, and the question as to how far the restriction should be relaxed will shortly come before the Imports Consultative Council who will no doubt take into account all the considerations advanced in the question.


Is not the chief reason for the restriction that this is a praiseworthy desire on the part of the Government to protect a young British industry? If so, would that policy not be better carried out by a system which would protect all industries instead of merely protecting one or two by means of prohibition?


That is a question for the Prime Minister.

Captain BENN

Will the hon. Gentleman say whether these box-boards are treated by the Government as raw material or as manufactured articles?


I must have notice of that question.

Captain BENN

If the Gentleman in charge of the Board of Trade is not able to answer that without notice how can he decide how to apply the principles laid down in this House for Government policy?


I do not have to decide them myself.

Lieutenant-Commander KENWORTHY

Is this box-board making industry a key industry?

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