HC Deb 12 May 1919 vol 115 cc1323-4
31. Major NEWMAN

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions whether, as head of the Government Department responsible for the activities of the Central Control Board (Liquor Traffic), he is consulted and his sanction obtained before any alteration in the hours of opening and closing of licensed premises are made by the Control Board; and will he state if this and similar regulations are made by the Minister of Munitions under the Defence of the Realm Act or by Order in Council, and when can they be debated?


The Orders in question are made by the Board under the powers conferred upon them in pursuance of the Defence of the Realm Acts. As to the extent of the responsibility of the Minister of Munitions in these matters, I would refer the hon. Member to the answer which I gave on the 8th instant to the hon. and learned Member for York.


Has the Government yet decided what Minister is responsible for the actions of the Control Board?


A question as to the future is being addressed to the Leader of the House to-day.


When can these Orders be debated?


In the past, when these questions have come up, I think the Minister of Munitions has had to answer them.

49. Major NEWMAN

asked the Prime Minister whether it is intended to prolong the powers given to the Ministry of Munitions, acting through the Central Control Board (Liquor Traffic), for the period of the War; whether, in order that the modifications and adjustments necessary to suit the conditions of peace may be effected, a new departure will have to be made and a new commission issued; if Parliament will be allowed to have any direct voice in the setting up of this new commission and control of its actions, and when does he contemplate its appointment?

Mr. BONAR LAW (Leader of the House)

As I have already stated, this whole subject is now being considered by a Cabinet Committee, and I cannot make any statement at present.