§ 29. Mr. REMERasked the Home Secretary whether religious services are prohibited in Trafalgar Square; and, if so, what are the reasons for this prohibition?
§ Mr. SHORTTTrafalgar Square is not, generally speaking, a suitable place for religious services, but, as I said in reply to a question by the hon. Member for the North-East Division of Leeds last Tuesday, if an application is made for a combined religious service in connection with the Peace celebrations, it will be considered.
§ Colonel WEDGWOODYes.
§ Mr. DEVLINWhy should not Trafalgar Square have its religious ceremonies quite as much as the House of Commons every day?
§ 30. Mr. THOMAS GRIFFITHSasked the Home Secretary the present position regarding conscientious objectors who are engaged on work of national importance; 1085 and whether there is any prospect of these men being allowed to return to their homes and usual occupations?
§ Mr. SHORTTMen formerly employed under the Home Office Committee are now, under the recent decision of the Government, allowed to reside or seek work where they please. As regards men exempted by the tribunals on condition of doing work of national importance, who do not come within the jurisdiction of the Home Office, I would refer the hon. Member to my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade.