HC Deb 07 May 1919 vol 115 cc882-3
10. Commander BELLAIRS

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he can now give information as to the system of entry and training by which boys in the training ships and afloat are to be given the opportunity of passing examinations for midshipmen sufficiently early in life to enable them to reach the highest rank, and can he state when the next examination and subsequent examinations will be held, so that the lower deck throughout the Navy may be aware of the fact?


A few boys and young seamen, who appeared to have a reasonable chance of success, have been given special educational facilities and allowed to compete at the examinations for "special entry" cadets. The institution of special facilities to enable boy bluejackets to train for commissions in the Navy is now being considered. The next "special entry" examination will be held in June, 1919, and dates of further examinations will be promulgated in due course. I may add that at present the principal avenue of promotion from the lower deck to commissioned rank is through the rank of mate, and that a large number of such promotions have been made.

Commander BELLAIRS

Can the right hon Gentleman say if the special facilities given to these boys include adequate pay for educational purposes?


The pay is not based on a system of that kind, as I think he will gather from an earlier answer which I have given. So far as I remember, they do not receive a special rate.

Lieutenant-Commander KENWORTHY

Will the right hon. Gentleman consider the circulation of information about this examination in Admiralty Monthly Orders to the Fleet?


Not until the thing has been put upon a proper systematic basis; otherwise hopes might be raised which would not be realised.

Commander BELLAIRS

Will the right hon. Gentleman put before the Admiralty that this matter has been under consideration for a very long time, and may we hope for results soon?


It was before the Board last week, and will be before the Board again to-morrow.

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