HC Deb 07 May 1919 vol 115 c906
64. Sir J. HOPE

asked the Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the present housing difficulties in Scotland, he will allow married soldiers in or attached to agricultural companies, whose families are living in houses belonging to farms, to remain on the land, and so avoid putting farmers in the dilemma of either having to give notice to the families of soldiers or leaving their land short of labour at an important season for agriculture?


There is no objection provided such men are considered as indispensable by War Agricultural Executive Committees, or, in the case of Scotland, by Sub-Commissioners, and provided they come within the 10 per cent. allotted, which must not be exceeded.


Will the right hon. Gentleman consider allowing the 10 per cent. to be exceeded in special cases of hardship, so as to avoid the wives of soldiers being turned out of their houses?


No, Sir, we reached an agreement with the Board of Agriculture on the basis of 10 per cent., which was understood to be satisfactory to the interests affected—[HON. MEMBERS: "No, no!"]—or, at any rate, as little unsatisfactory as is inevitable.