HC Deb 06 May 1919 vol 115 cc762-3

On a point of Order. I wish to ask, having regard to the fact that on the Orders of the Day we have Supply (Civil Services and Revenue Departments Estimates), whether I should be in order in raising the question of the Police on that Vote as a Civil Service?


The Vote relates to the Ministry of Food.

Mr. BILLING (later)

On a point of Order. The first starred Order of the Day is "Supply:—Committee. [Civil Services and Revenue Departments Estimates, 1919–20, Progress."] May I ask whether on that Order one would be in order in raising the question of the Metropolitan Police?


That Order is intended to cover, and does only cover, the "Civil Services Estimates, 1919–20, Ministry of Food Vote." There is no other effective Vote of which notice has been given.

Ordered, "That Civil Services Estimates, 1919–20, Ministry of Food Vote, be considered in Committee of Supply."—[Mr. Shortt.]