HC Deb 01 May 1919 vol 115 c299
18. Major PRESCOTT

asked the Pensions Minister why the 20 per cent. increase agreed to be paid on alternative pensions as from the 6th November last has not yet been paid?


Payment of the bonus has been made in the case of the men and, with few exceptions, in the case of officers and officers' widows. In the case of the alternative pensions of the men's widows, there has been some delay owing to the large numbers involved, but local committees have been asked to notify special cases of hardship in order that payment may be immediately authorised. I may add that the period of the bonus on alternative pension runs from 1st January, 1919, not 6th November, 1918.


In view of the complaints made by Members of the House, will the right hon. Gentleman try and speed up the machinery, so that these payments may be made with the least possible delay?


I am doing my best to speed up the machinery in all directions. The payment of the war bonus adds very largely to the work of the Department, but the best endeavours are being used to get the payments made as soon as possible.