HC Deb 27 March 1919 vol 114 c585
39. Mr. HALLAS

asked the Postmaster-General whether a telegraphist at Birmingham was recently promoted over sixty-seven of his seniors; whether he is aware that many of the men passed over are on active service, and that a number of them, by reason of their great general ability and technical knowledge, have obtained commissions and have been awarded high military honours; whether several of the men senior to the officer promoted are fully qualified, and have performed the duties of the higher class with every satisfaction to their Department, whilst the successful candidate for promotion has not performed the superior work; and whether, in view of the injustice to the men overseas, he will cause a searching inquiry to be made?


My right hon. Friend is aware of the circumstances of the case. Tie officer selected for promotion was himself serving with the forces. He was selected because, prior to enlistment, he had shown exceptional ability, and was considered to possess better qualifications for promotion than any other member of his class.