HC Deb 26 March 1919 vol 114 c407
91. Lieutenant - Colonel ROUNDELL

asked the Food Controller whether he is aware that complaints have been made as to the condition of hard beef and mutton now being sent to the Settle and District Butchers' Association for consumption by the public; whether the requirements of meat in this particular district are being cut down to 40 per cent. of what is assessed by the local executive officer, and if he will take steps to remedy this state of affairs?


No complaints have been received by this Department concerning the condition of the imported meat supplied to the association in question. It is possible, however, that same complaint has been made owing to the fact that whereas Settle had until recently been receiving home-killed meat only, it was found necessary last week be supply the district with 60 per cent. of imported meat; but the assessment was not reduced and permits were issued for the full amount to which retailers were entitled. I may add that London is being supplied in the present week with 85 per cent. of imported and 15 per cent. of home-killed meat.

Colonel THORNE

I thought it was a bit tough last week.

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