HC Deb 25 March 1919 vol 114 c198
31. Mr. HAYDAY

asked the Secretary of State for War whether upon demobilisation a soldier is entitled to an issue of underclothing, boots, and cardigan jacket; and, if not, will he consider the advisability of supplying such articles in view of the fact that many of the men on demobilisation are wearing articles that have been in use for over two years?


Under the instructions issued, soldiers on demobilisation are to be in possession of thoroughly serviceable clothing, including underclothing, boots, and cardigan jacket. Owing to the rapidity of demobilisation and the large numbers affected cases may have occurred in which articles of underclothing or boots should properly have been exchanged before the men left their units, but I can assure my hon. Friend that no efforts have been spared, both in France and in this country, to ensure that the men were adequately clothed on dispersal.