HC Deb 18 March 1919 vol 113 c1907

asked the Secretary for War whether his attention has been called to the case of Lance-Corporal C. Thompson, No. 418155, of the Royal Engineers, Signal Section, attached to L. of C., Jerusalem, who on the 26th November, 1917, was charged with neglect of duty whilst on active service; whether he is aware that Thompson was reduced to the rank of sapper on the grounds of inefficiency, although that charge had never been made; whether the alleged neglect of duty was due to the direct and explicit orders of Thompson's superior officer; whether this man has been endeavouring to obtain a court-martial for many months and has made repeated appeals; whether the papers concerning this case are at present with the War Office; and whether, seeing that since his reduction on the alleged grounds of inefficiency this man has been promoted lance-corporal, recommended for the second time for a commission, and offered further promotion to non-commissioned-officer rank if he would consent to transfer to another signal company, he will order a strict inquiry?

Captain GUEST

Inquiry will be made into this case, but in the meantime I shall be grateful if my hon. Friend will give me some further information in regard to the suggestion that the alleged neglect of duty was due to the direct and explicit orders of Lance-Corporal Thompson's superior officer, as this raises an entirely new aspect which has never before been presented.