§ 26. Mr. CLEMENT EDWARDSasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if his attention has been called to the fact that while both the French and Italian plenipotentiary representatives to the Czecho-Slovakia Republic have been duly accredited by their respective Courts, the English plenipotentiary representative has not yet been accredited by Great Britain, despite the fact that he has already been in Prague some months; and whether he is aware that the absence in Prague of an accredited Minister from Great Britain gives rise to the feeling that Great Britain does not consider the Republic of sufficient importance to warrant this?
Mr. DUDLEY WARD (Vice-Chamberlain of the Household)The present British Representative at Prague is Mr. Gosling, His Majesty's Chargéd' Affaires, who was received in audience by the Prime Minister of the Czecho-Slovak Republic on the 15th of January, and who accupies a position in Prague identical with that of the Czecho-Slovak Representative in this country. The answer to the last part of the question is in the negative.