HC Deb 14 March 1919 vol 113 c1691

1. "That 280,000 Officers, Seamen, and Boys, Coast Guard, and Royal Marines be employed for the Sea and Coast Guard Services borne on the books of His Majesty's Ships and at the Royal Marine Divisions for the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1920."

Ordered, That the Resolution, which upon the 3rd day of March was reported from the Committee of Supply, and which was then agreed to by the House, be now read:—

"That a number of Land Forces, not exceeding 2,500,000, all ranks, be maintained for the Service of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland at Home and Abroad, excluding His Majesty's Indian Possessions, during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1920."

Ordered, That leave be given to bring in a Bill to provide, during twelve months, for the discipline and regulation of the Army; and that Mr. Churchill, Major-General Seely, Mr. Long and Dr. Macnamara, do prepare and bring it in.