HC Deb 06 March 1919 vol 113 cc599-600

asked the Home Secretary if he is aware that the average output of coal per person employed in America is four times greater than that of Great Britain; and if he can state the reason?


Taking the period of five years before the War, 1909–1913, it appears that the average annual output of coal per person employed in the United States is rather less than two and a half times the average output of mineral raised in coal mines in the United Kingdom, and the same result is obtained if a comparison is made between the figures for 1916 which is the latest year for which the American figures are available. I will publish the figures in the Official Report. As regards the main reasons for this difference I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to the question on this subject asked by the hon. and gallant Member for Greenwich last Monday.

The following are the figures referred to:—

Output per person employed under and above ground at Coal Mines in the United Kingdom and the United States during the years 1900–13.
Year. United Kingdom.* United States.
Statute Tons. Statute Tons.
1909 268 617
1910 260 618
1911 262 613
1912 246 661
1913 262 681
Average 259 638
Output per Person employed in 1916.
United Kingdom.* United States.
Under and above ground. Under-ground. Under and above ground Under-ground.
Statute Tons. Statute Tons. Statute Tons. Statute Tons.
263 331 647 892
* The figures of output for the United Kingdom include the output of any Mineral, besides Coal, raised at the Collieries, representing about 1¼ per cent. of the total output.

Is it not a fact that the figures have been published for 1917 and 1918 for America, and that Pennsylvania alone shows 1,000 tons per man per annum, as against 240?


The hon. Member is giving the information, and there is no necessity to ask for it.

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