HC Deb 06 March 1919 vol 113 c619

I desire, Mr. Speaker, to call your attention to a matter affecting the general convenience of Members of this House. As you are doubtless aware, Government Departments or Sub-Departments have considerably grown in recent times, and, therefore, as you may probably also be aware, considerable confusion exists in the minds of hon. Members, especially new Members, if one might say so, as to the particular Departments to which they should direct their inquiries, and also as to the particular functions, scope, and sphere of the Departments and Sub-Departments. I would most respectfully suggest, as was suggested, I believe, in the last Parliament by an hon. Friend of mine, and which suggestion was also acquiesced in, though, I believe, never carried out by the then Government, that a Parliamentary handbook be published, in order to give to hon. Members a full and complete knowledge of the various Departments represented in this House, of the representatives of those Departments, of the functions and scope of each Department, and of the addresses of the offices, residences, and places where Members may direct questions affecting those Departments. I, therefore, respectfully make the suggestion.


The matter does not rest with me, but the Government have heard what the hon. and gallant Member has said, and I have no doubt they will take his suggestion into consideration. It has nothing to do with me personally.