HC Deb 05 March 1919 vol 113 cc395-7

asked the Secretary of State for War if he would state the total number of honours and decorations, British or Foreign, awarded to the officers of the Regular Forces during the War and the total number awarded to the officers of the Territorial Forces and New Armies; and the approximate proportion of Regular officers to those of the other forces as above employed during the War?


The number of honours and decorations awarded to officers of the Regular Forces, Territorial Force, and New Armies, respectively, are not separately available, and the compilation of a Return giving this information would entail a great deal of research which it is not practicable at the present time to undertake. I am, however, taking this opportunity of circulating in the Official Report, for the information of the House, a statement as to the total number of military honours of the various categories conferred on all ranks since the commencement of the War, together with the total number of foreign decorations conferred on the British Armies during the War.

The following is the statement referred to:

(August, 1914, to 28th February, 1919.)
British Forces
Honours conferred for Services in the Field.
V.C. 568
V.C. Bars 2
G.C.B. 5
K.C.B. 102
C.B. 714
G.C.M.G. 11
K.C.M.G. 99
C.M.G 1,812
Order of the British Empire(Military Division)—
K.B.E. 3
C.B.E. 33
O.B.E. 750
M.B.E. 147
D.S.O. 8,435
D.S.O. Bars—
1st 609
2nd 52
3rd 3
M.C. 35,802
M.C. Bars—
1st 2,421
2nd 133
3rd 4
Royal Red Cross—
1st Class 350
2nd Class 1,048
Royal Red Cross Bars 17
D.C.M. 22,800
D.C.M. Bars—
1st 392
2nd 6
Military Medal 91,721
Military Medal Bars—
1st 3,773
2nd 98
Meritorious Service Medal 13,789
Meritorious Service Medal Bar 3
Honours conferred for Services in connection with the War.
V.C. 1†
G.C.B. 7
K.C.B. 31
C.B. 182
G.C.M.G. 2
K.C.M.G. 43
C.M.G. 465
Order of the British Empire* (Military Division)—
G.B.E. 2
K.B.E. 5
C.B.E 57
O.B.E 167
M.B.E. 111
D.S.O. 21†
D.S.O. Bars—1st 1†
M.C. Bars—
M.C. 23†
1st 1†
2nd 1†
Royal Red Cross—
1st Class 275
2nd Class 1,960
Royal Red Cross Bars 6
D.C.M. 29
M.M. 12
M.S.M. 2
* Exclusive of awards of the Civil Division to Military personnel eligible for transfer to the Military Division ("London Gazette," No. 31084, 27th December, 1918), but not yet so transferred.
†Air raids, coastal bombardments, etc.
Indian Forces.
Honours conferred on the recommendation of the Government of India for Services in the Field.
K.C.S.I. 2
C.S.I. 11
G.C.I.E. 1
K.C.I.E. 4
C.I.E. 59
Order of British India—
1st Class 29
2nd Class 262
Indian Order of Merit—
1st Class 18
2nd Class 876
Indian Distinguished Service Medal 2,495
I.D.S.M. Bar 15
Indian Meritorious Service Meda1 1,419
I.M.S.M. Bar 1
Honours conferred on the recommendation of the Government of India for Services in connection with the War.
G.C.S.I. 2
K.C.S.I. 2
C.S.I. 8
K.C.I.E. 7
C.I.E. 41
Order of British India—
1st Class 1
2nd Class 8
Orders and Decorations conferred on the British Armies by Allied Powers (up to and including announcements in "London Gazette," dated 29th January, 1919).
Officers 5,931
Other Ranks 9,398
Total 15,329