HC Deb 04 March 1919 vol 113 cc202-4
13. Lieutenant-Colonel WEIGALL

asked the Secretary of State for War what is the total amount now standing to the credit of the Central Regimental Institute funds; and how is this to be disposed of?


The present amount of the Central Regimental Institutes Fund is approximately £640,000, of which a proportionate amount is for the Air Force. The Army Council have a general discretion to use this and analogous funds for the benefit of the troops from whom they have been derived. The question of dealing with such funds on an equitable basis in the interests of air concerned is at present receiving the attention of the Council.

Lieutenant-Colonel WEIGALL

Will there be any civilian representative on whatever body has the ultimate disposal of these funds?


I am giving this matter attention now. It is a very important matter, affecting not only this fund but very much larger funds which have been amassed by the canteen system, and I think it would be much better that I should defer the question until I can make a general statement.

Colonel ASHLEY

Ought not the decision regarding the allocation of money derived exclusively from serving soldiers to rest with Service and ex-Service men, seeing that it has nothing at all to do with civilians?


Is my right hon. Friend aware that there is an Army Order in existence, published some considerable time ago, which places all the money of the Central Regimental Institute Funds, Command Funds, and other funds at the disposal of the Army Council and in the hands of an Army trustee for purposes other than those designated, and is this large amount of money, of which half-a-million has been announced already in the House of Commons, to be dealt with in this way without the House of Commons having anything to say?

Colonel Sir R. WILLIAMS

Was not this question referred last year to the Public Accounts Committee?


I am notinformed on the actual questions which were dealt with by the Public Accounts Committee last year in this connection, but so far as the general question of the disposal of this and similar funds is concerned it seems to me that the matter has got to be treated from one point of view and on general principles applicable to all the funds. I am doing my best to have the matter very carefully examined. I propose that there should be a conference between the representatives of the War Office and of two of the principal associa- tions involved in regard to the care of soldiers and soldiers' funds after the War, and out of these discussions I hope to be able to put before the House a policy which will be of a comprehensive character.


Will the right Hon. Gentleman not answer my question whether it is or is not the fact that there is an Army Order in existence, published by his authority under which all this money is handed over to Army Trustees for a purpose which has never been discussed in this House or by the men most concerned?

Lieutenant-Colonel WEIGALL

Will the right hon. Gentleman allow at least one or two Members of the House to be added to the personnel of the suggested conference?


I think these matters ought to be discussed, and I shall welcome the discussion of them if it takes place in the manner which my hon. Friend suggests. With regard to the specific question asked by the hon. Member (Mr. Hogge), he knows the answer. He says there is an Army Order dealing with this subject, and I do not understand why he puts the supplementary question.


For this reason—


Order, order! The hon. Member is not now asking a question.