HC Deb 04 March 1919 vol 113 c208
81. Captain LOSEBY

asked the Pensions Minister whether, seeing that only 2 per cent. of disabled soldiers in receipt of disablement pensions are in receipt of alternative pensions, he will take steps to circularise all soldiers in receipt of pensions pointing out in simple language the advantages of the alternative pension scheme?


The alternative pension scheme is explained in simple language in the Disabled Soldiers' Hand Book, which is issued to every soldier on discharge. The scheme has also been publicly explained from time to time by means of Press announcements. The small number of alternative pension applications received from disabled men in 1918 is in some measure explained by the fact that large numbers of partially disabled men succeeded in obtaining employment at wages which, in conjunction with their disablement pensions, made them ineligible for alternative pension benefit.

82. Captain LOSEBY

asked the Pensions Minister if soldiers undergoing treatment are debarred from applying for alternative pensions?


A soldier drawing disablement pension can at any time apply for an alternative pension. If he has to go under treatment and is thus unable to work, he is given, in lieu of his pension, allowances for himself and his family at the full disability rate, and if the allowances so granted are less than his pre-war earnings he can apply for an alternative allowance calculated on the same basis as the alternative pension of a man totally disabled.