§ 65. Lieutenant-Colonel WEIGALLasked the Prime Minister whether an Interdepartmental Conference and the Committee on Production and Distribution of Milk are both considering the same questions, and what collaboration there is between them?
§ Mr. McCURDYI have been asked to reply. The work of the Inter-departmental Conference is supplementary to that of the Committee on the Production and Distribution of Milk, and is considering the general question of future policy on milk control from the respective points of view of the Ministry of Food, the Local Government Board, and the Boards of Agriculture, in the light of the detailed Reports already published by that Committee. Some members of the Committee are also members of the Conference.
§ 77. Lieutenant-Colonel WEIGALLasked the Food Controller whether, in order to ensure milk production during the winter of 1919–20, summer prices will be fixed at once; and whether, in view of the fact that in the past considerable quantities of winter milk have been drawn from cheese-making districts, steps will be taken to stabilise cheese prices for this summer?
§ Mr. McCURDYThe Food Controller is at present considering the question of fixing summer prices for milk and the necessary steps to be taken to ensure adequate milk production during the winter of 1919–20. The relation of the price of home produced cheese to winter supplies of milk in 1919–20 is also being considered, and the Food Controller hopes to make a definite announcement on this matter at an early date.