HC Deb 05 June 1919 vol 116 c2197
41. Colonel YATE

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he can state exactly what extra facilities have now been provided by the Canal Control Committee for the conveyance of traffic by canal; and what increase has been effected in the carrying powers of the canals so as to ease the present congestion on the railways?


I think my hon. and gallant Friend will appreciate the fact that his question cannot be answered in detail without lengthy and complicated inquiry being made. I can only say that the Canal Control Committee have done and are doing what they can to afford facilities for conveyance of traffic by canal when offered, and have taken steps with a, view to secure an adequate supply of labour for working the canals and their proper maintenance.

Colonel YATE

Can the hon. Member not say anything as to what increase in the working of the canals has been effected since the Armistice?


I have said I cannot answer that in detail without further inquiry. If my hon. and gallant Friend wants a detailed statement, I will try to get it for him.

Colonel YATE

Thank you! And will you kindly make further inquiries?