HC Deb 31 July 1919 vol 118 c2265
47. Mr. BRIANT

asked the Prime Minister whether his attention had been called to the Report of the Public Control Committee of the London County Council referring to the inadequacy of the market facilities for the distribution of fish; and if, in view of the importance of the supply of this article of food to the Metropolis, he would appoint a Committee to consider the subject?


I have been asked to reply. I understand that the Billingsgate and Leadenhall Markets' Committee have prominently before them schemes for improved facilities of a permanent nature at the market, and that, in order to meet immediate requirements, they have formed a committee, consisting of representatives of the corporation, of tenants of the market, and of the railway companies principally concerned, with a view to facilitate deliveries of fish. I am assured that every effort will be made to relieve the difficulty that exists under the present-exceptional conditions as regards transport generally.