HC Deb 24 July 1919 vol 118 c1535
13. Major GLYN

asked the Pensions Minister whether he has now inquired into the case of Private Harold Leonard Dawson, No. 566487, late Royal Engineers, 18, Birmingham Road, Oldbury, who was stated to have lost both his legs and his right arm; and, if so, what is the result of his inquiries'?

The MINISTER of PENSIONS (Sir Laming Worthington-Evans)

I have inquired into the case. The statement made concerning this man, to which publicity was given by some of the Press and about which inquiries have been made by several hon. Members, was that- he had lost both his legs and his right arm at the battle of Mons, that he had had not a farthing of pension during the last six months, that he had a wife and three children dependent on him, and that his wife, on applying to the Walsall War Pensions Committee was told to take him to the workhouse.

Investigation has proved beyond doubt that the story is a complete fabrication. There is no such man. There is a woman calling herself Mrs. Dawson, but she has unfortunately disappeared and the police are looking for her. The story was put into circulation by a local officer of the Discharged Soldiers' Federation. He has satisfied himself that it is untrue and he is taking every possible step to undo the mischief he has caused.