HC Deb 23 July 1919 vol 118 c1348
39. Mr. CLYNES

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that on 16th June a number of soldiers belonging to a division of the Polish Uhlans, who marched into Kolomea, East Galicia, trespassed upon the farm estate at Slobodka Lesna, of the Jewish Colonisation Association, which is an English company with a registered office at 16, Old Broad Street, and shot dead three young Jewish students of the agricultural school who were training as farmers for Palestine; whether he will instruct His Majesty's representative in Warsaw to make an immediate and thorough investigation of this incident; and whether, in case the report is found to be true, he will demand that the soldiers guilty of the outrage shall be punished and the families of the victims shall be compensated?


I have no official information with regard to the trespass alleged in the first part of the question, but I have telegrahped to His Majesty's representative at Warsaw for a report. Pending the receipt of this, report I cannot say what further action will be necessary.