HC Deb 17 July 1919 vol 118 cc583-4

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if his attention has been directed to the attacks made upon soldiers and other loyal persons in Dublin and Dundalk while celebrating the signature of the Treaty of Peace; whether he is aware that Major Alexander, of the Rifle Brigade, was attacked in Sackville Street while driving to his club, dragged from his car, and severely beaten; that Army lorries were attacked and burned and men in charge of them assaulted; that shots were fired by members of the mob, and Constable Dawson was struck by a bullet; whether in Dundalk soldiers were attacked and some of them seriously injured; and whether any arrests have been made?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. On the 28th June Major Alexander, while driving to his club in Sackville Street, was pulled off the car by a number of men and severely beaten but his injuries are not serious. An attack was made upon a military motor lorry which was overturned and set on fire. A corporal and several members of the Women's Royal Air Force were injured. Shots were fired but did not take effect. On the 29th June there was further disturbance when Constable Dawson was struck by a bullet, but not seriously injured. Two Australian soldiers who were carrying a Sinn Fein flag were arrested and handed over to the military authorities, and two other men have been returned for trial. Disturbances also took place at Dundalk on the 28th June, when some soldiers were attacked, but none were seriously injured. Two ringleaders in the crowd have been identified by the police and will be prosecuted.


May I ask whether these disturbances do not indicate that there are a great many people in Ireland who are displeased because we have beaten the Germans and won a good Peace?


We can all form our own conclusions.